Our process is a low moisture cleaning, we first vacuum the carpet to pick up loose dirt. We then apply our solution which lifts the dirt, and finally we use our machine with pads attached to the bottom to absorb the dirt, and dry the carpet.

We also do steam cleaning which is a process where the steam cleaner utilizes high temperatures of steam to sanitize and disinfect carpets.

Carpets dry in 2 HOURS!! Everything is non toxic, biodegradable, and safe for children and pets.


Our process is hot water extraction applied with a fabric cleaner. First we determine what type of fabric you have. Next we use an upholstery tool which has a trigger that shoots out hot water with our solution.

Finally we extract with the tool which pulls out the dirt, grease, and grime bringing your upholstery back to its original form.

Occasionally depending on the fabric we have to dry clean the furniture because the fabric is too gentle to wet clean.


First we use a black light to determine where the urine is. Next we saturate the area with our urine odor removal solution and we let that sit on the area for 20 minutes. This decrystallizes the urine. Last step is rinsing the area, and odor is gone!

We also cut out the padding, and replace when area is really bad.


​​We will come to your home and pick up your antique rug, carefully transporting it back to our facility to determine the correct method to clean it. We thoroughly vacuum it, apply our cleaning solution and spot removers where needed, and begin hand cleaning your rug.
​When it is all clean we put it through a ringing process to dry it.

We specialize in wool rugs!!!


Here at All American Dry we understand when there is an emergency, if your property has been affected by flooding or even sewage, we act quickly to remove any number of damages.
We remove standing water, dehumidify, dry and sanitize affected areas, and also restore your property to its original, pre-damage condition.

We are available 24 hours a day!!!